Policies and Legal

Terms of Service

Mar 23, 2020

Kevin Mpunga

1. Introduction

Last updated: October 26, 2023

Welcome to Elev Homes Inc. ("Elev")!

Elev is an online platform designed to bring together hosts and tenants, facilitating secure and efficient rental experiences. Our primary objective is to simplify the accommodation search for students while providing hosts with a trusted platform to list their properties. Through Elev, users can effortlessly browse listings, communicate with potential hosts or tenants, and finalize rental agreements.

By accessing or using our platform, be it through our website, mobile application, or other digital means, you agree to abide by these Terms of Service. These terms govern your use of the platform and outline your rights, obligations, and the protections afforded to you as a user.

For our valued hosts, we offer a specific set of protections and commitments detailed in our HostGuarantee. We strongly recommend that hosts familiarize themselves with the HostGuarantee, which is an integral component of these Terms of Service.

2. Definitions

For clarity and ease of reference, the following terms are defined as:

  • User: Any individual or entity that accesses or uses the Elev platform, including both hosts and tenants.

  • Host: An individual or entity that lists accommodation(s) on the Elev platform for rental purposes.

  • Tenant: An individual, typically a student, who searches for, inquires about, or rents accommodation(s) listed on the Elev platform.

  • Elev Platform: The collective digital interfaces, including the website and mobile applications, operated by Elev Homes Inc., where users can list, search for, and book accommodations.

  • Lease: A legally binding agreement between a host and tenant regarding the rental of an accommodation. The terms, duration, and other specifics of the lease are agreed upon by both parties and facilitated by the Elev platform.

  • Messaging Services: The communication tools provided by the Elev platform, allowing hosts and tenants to send and receive messages, notifications, alerts, and reminders related to their listings, bookings, and other relevant interactions.

  • HostGuarantee: A separate document detailing the specific protections, commitments, and terms provided by Elev to its hosts.

  • Authorized User: An individual who has been granted permission by the primary account holder to access or use the Elev platform.

Other terms may be defined within the context of specific sections as we proceed through these Terms of Service.

3. Account Registration & User Verification

3.1 Registration Requirements: To gain full access to Elev services, users must complete the registration process. Registration requires:

  • Personal Information: Accurate details including full name, address, email, phone number, and other pertinent data.

  • Account Confidentiality: Your account is personal. Do not disclose your login credentials or permit unauthorized access.

3.2 Age Restrictions: Elev services are restricted to individuals aged 18 and above. By creating an account, users attest to being at least 18 years old and possessing the legal authority to form binding contracts.

3.3 User Verification: For community security, Elev may undertake user verification:

  • Identity Verification: Users may be required to validate their identity using official documentation or other means deemed appropriate by Elev.

  • Consent: Engaging with the platform implies user consent to any verification procedures and agreement to furnish requisite information or documents.

3.4 Account Security: Maintaining account confidentiality is a user responsibility:

  • Password Protection: Ensure your password is strong and stored securely.

  • Unauthorized Access: Should you suspect any unauthorized access, notify Elev immediately. While Elev incorporates robust security protocols, users must also exercise caution.

4. Host & Tenant Responsibilities

4.1 Host Duties:

  • Accurate Listings: Hosts must present accurate, current listings, encompassing transparent photos, detailed descriptions, and specific house rules or unique conditions.

  • Clear Communication: Efficient, professional communication is paramount. Address tenant queries or concerns promptly.

  • Maintaining Standards: Properties provided should mirror the listing. Ensure cleanliness, safety, and promised amenities.

  • Lease Adherence: Abide by all lease agreement terms, including rental duration, rent amount, and other consensus terms.

4.2 Tenant Duties:

  • Transparent Communication: Prior to finalizing rental agreements, tenants should articulate all queries, concerns, or stipulations.

  • Lease Compliance: Tenants must strictly observe the lease agreement terms, including timely rent payment, agreed-upon stay duration, and host-set house rules.

  • Property Maintenance: Renters are tasked with preserving the property's condition. Report any damages or issues to the host promptly.

4.3 Mutual Respect: Both hosts and tenants should maintain a respectful and professional demeanor, abiding by the agreed-upon terms and ensuring a seamless rental experience.

4.4 Violation Consequences: Failure to uphold these responsibilities can result in penalties, including but not limited to account suspension, additional charges, or legal action.

Note: Alongside these stipulated responsibilities, hosts are additionally bound by the HostGuarantee conditions and promises.

5. Listings & Bookings

5.1 Listing Creation:

  • Complete Information: Hosts are expected to provide comprehensive and accurate descriptions, including amenities, rules, and any specific conditions or limitations.

  • Photographs: Images associated with a listing must be representative of the actual space. Misleading photos can result in penalties or removal of the listing.

  • Pricing and Availability: Hosts should update availability calendars regularly and set a clear and transparent pricing structure, inclusive of any additional fees.

5.2 Booking Process:

  • Search and Match: Tenants can search listings based on criteria such as location, price range, and amenities. Elev's platform will suggest matches fitting the tenant's requirements.

  • Booking Confirmation: Upon selecting a listing, tenants must follow the booking process, which includes agreeing to the lease terms, price, and any other conditions set by the host.

  • Duration: The length of stay should be clearly defined and agreed upon between the tenant and the host.

5.3 Quality Standards: Elev expects all listings to meet a basic standard of cleanliness, safety, and amenity availability. Listings found to be below these standards might be flagged, reviewed, and potentially removed.

6. Payments, Fees, & Financials

6.1 Payment Methods:

  • Platform Payments: All payments related to listings must be processed through the Elev platform to ensure security and adherence to terms.

  • Accepted Modes: Elev accepts various payment methods, including credit cards, bank transfers, and other approved electronic payment methods.

6.2 Payment Schedule:

  • Rent Payments: Tenants are required to make payments based on the agreed-upon schedule, typically monthly. Any deviations must be communicated and approved by the host.

  • Fee Structure: Elev charges a service fee as a percentage of the rent. This fee varies but remains consistent once set for the duration of a lease. Students will see this fee breakdown when sending an application, and hosts will see it when reviewing an application.

6.3 Cancellations and Refunds:

  • Cancellation Policy: Both hosts and tenants must adhere to the agreed-upon cancellation policy. Violations can result in penalties.

  • Refunds: Refunds, if applicable, will be processed based on the terms of the cancellation policy and any other relevant factors.

6.4 Late Fees: Payments made outside of the "Life Happens Protection" window will incur a late fee. The specifics of this fee and its application will be clearly detailed in the rental agreement.

6.5 Elev's Service Fee: The Elev platform deducts a service fee from both hosts and students. This fee is for the operation and maintenance of the platform, user support, and other associated services.

7. Messaging Policy

7.1 Services Overview The Elev Messaging Services, available through both Elev-Tenant and Elev-Host interfaces, allow for communication between hosts and tenants. This encompasses notifications, alerts, confirmations, reminders, and general conversations. These services are facilitated via web-based platforms and respective mobile applications.

7.2 Elev’s Access to Messages For the safety, integrity, and functionality of our platform, Elev retains the right to access and store messages exchanged between hosts and tenants. This is to ensure compliance with our terms of service, deter illegal activities, and prevent any misuse. The content of these messages is held with utmost confidentiality and will not be shared beyond what is legally mandated or essential for Elev to fulfill its operational responsibilities.

7.3 User Commitments By utilizing the Elev Messaging service, you agree to:

  • Adhere to all Elev User Terms of Service, especially the stipulations of this Messaging Policy.

  • Maintain the confidentiality of your account details, passwords, and other login credentials.

  • Monitor all activity conducted through your account in connection with the messaging services.

  • Promptly inform Elev if you identify or suspect any unauthorized or illegal activity, security breaches, or any unauthorized use of login credentials.

  • Use the messaging services for only lawful, authorized, and acceptable purposes, refraining from sending impermissible communications.

7.4 Prohibited Conduct Users are strictly prohibited from:

  • Impersonating others or misrepresenting affiliations.

  • Allowing unauthorized third parties to access the services using their credentials.

  • Sending unsolicited messages, spam, or any harmful files or links.

  • Using the messaging service for any commercial purposes without Elev’s explicit permission.

  • Engaging in activities that infringe upon the rights of Elev, its users, or others, or are illegal, defamatory, or harmful.

8. Elev's Role & Limitations

8.1 Platform Role: Elev Homes Inc. ("Elev") functions as a platform connecting hosts with potential tenants. Elev does not own, create, sell, resell, provide, control, manage, offer, deliver, or supply any listings or accommodations. The hosts are solely responsible for their listings and accommodations. When tenants make a booking, they enter into a contract directly with the host, not Elev. Elev is not a party to, nor does it become involved in, any contractual relationship between the host and tenant, aside from facilitating the platform.

8.2 No Endorsement: Elev does not control or guarantee the existence, quality, safety, suitability, or legality of any listings or accommodations. We don't guarantee the accuracy of listing descriptions, ratings, reviews, or other content. Nor do we vouch for the performance or conduct of any member or third party.

8.3 Verification: While Elev may ask members for a government ID or other details to verify their identities, it's not obligated to do so. We might also screen members against third-party databases or other information sources but aren't bound to this.

8.4 Content Responsibility: Elev holds no responsibility for any listings and accommodations. Any bookings made or accepted are at the member's own risk.

8.5 Limitation of Liability: To the maximum extent permitted by law, Elev won't be liable for damages arising from or linked to the use of the Elev platform, whether they're direct, indirect, consequential, or punitive. This limitation applies regardless of the legal theory underpinning the damages.

8.6 Third-Party Services: Elev's platform may have links to third-party websites or services, not owned or controlled by Elev. Elev doesn't control or assume responsibility for the content, policies, or practices of third-party sites or services.

8.7 Feedback and Reviews: Users may provide feedback and reviews about their experiences with other members. Such feedback must be factual. Malicious or false feedback is prohibited, and Elev reserves the right to remove feedback or reviews that violate these terms without prior notice.

9. Student Protections & Support

9.1 Authenticity Promise:

  • Claim Window: Students can invoke the Authenticity Promise within 14 days of moving in. Exceptions may be made for discrepancies impossible to discover within this period.

  • Severity Levels: Discrepancies are evaluated on a case-by-case basis, allowing Elev maximum flexibility in determining the severity and appropriate remedy.

  • Resolution Timeframe: Elev aims to resolve discrepancies within three weeks of being reported. However, resolution time might extend depending on the complexity of the issue.

  • Host Accountability: Hosts found misrepresenting their listings repeatedly may face consequences ranging from notifications to potential bans. Hosts are required to update their listings at least annually or more frequently based on changes to the property.

  • Remedy Preference: While both rebate and alternative accommodation are viable remedies, the final decision rests with Elev.

9.2 Life Happens Protection:

  • Communication: Students can notify Elev of their inability to pay on time through email, text, or call using the provided contact details.

  • Frequency: Students can benefit from the Life Happens Protection once every semester. While there's no fixed limit, unexplained frequent late payments put students on Elev's watchlist.

  • Duration: A grace period of 7 days beyond the due date is provided. Post this period, a 1% late fee (based on the rent amount) is assessed daily until payment is made.

  • Coverage: Elev typically covers full rent payments. Utility bills might be covered at Elev's discretion but are generally excluded.

  • Consequences of Non-Payment: Continued non-payment results in internal records, affecting the student's future use of Elev. Suspicion of abuse might necessitate documentation or explanations on a case-by-case basis. Extreme cases might lead to platform suspension.

9.3 24/7 Helpline:

  • Accessibility: Students can access the helpline via the support page, preferring text, though calls are also acceptable.

  • Response Time: Elev aims to respond within 24 hours, considering the compact team structure.

  • Escalation Protocol: Complex issues that cannot be immediately resolved are either escalated to senior management or scheduled for an in-depth resolution.

  • Feedback: At the end of every interaction, students are encouraged to provide feedback to continually enhance the helpline service.

10. Privacy & Data Protection

10.1 Data Collection: When you use the Elev platform, we collect certain personal information to provide and improve our services. This includes your name, email address, contact number, payment details, and any other information you provide during registration or use of our services.

10.2 Use of Information: We use the collected information to facilitate bookings, process payments, communicate with you about our services, and improve the Elev platform's user experience. We may also use this data for marketing purposes, but only with your explicit consent.

10.3 Data Protection: Elev is committed to protecting your personal data. We employ advanced security measures to protect your information from unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction.

10.4 Messaging: We have access to and may retain messages exchanged on our messaging platform. The content of these messages is not shared beyond what is legally required and what's necessary for Elev to fulfill its operational duties.

10.5 Third-Party Access: Elev will never sell, trade, or rent your personal information to third parties. However, we may share your data with third-party service providers necessary for our platform's operation.

10.6 Cookies: Our platform uses cookies to enhance your user experience. You can choose to disable cookies, but this may affect your user experience on the Elev platform.

10.7 Data Rights: You have the right to access, correct, or delete your personal data held by Elev at any time.

10.8 Policy Updates: Elev may update this privacy policy from time to time. Any changes will be posted on this page, and if significant changes are made, we will provide more prominent notice.

11. Dispute Resolution

11.1 Mutual Resolution: Both hosts and tenants are encouraged to contact each other directly to resolve any disputes amicably.

11.2 Mediation: If direct communication doesn't resolve the dispute, both parties can agree to engage in mediation.

11.3 Arbitration: If mediation is unsuccessful or if both parties agree to bypass it, they can choose to settle the dispute through binding arbitration.

11.4 Legal Proceedings: Parties retain the right to pursue legal action if neither mediation nor arbitration resolves the dispute.

11.5 Governing Law: Any disputes arising out of or relating to the use of the Elev platform or these terms will be governed by the laws of the jurisdiction where Elev is headquartered.

11.6 Disputes with Elev: Should you have a dispute with Elev directly, we ask that you contact us first to resolve the issue informally.

11.7 HostGuarantee Reference: For disputes related specifically to host payments, guarantees, or any other provisions explicitly detailed in the HostGuarantee, users are advised to refer to the conditions and resolution mechanisms outlined in the HostGuarantee document.

12. Termination & Consequences

12.1 Grounds for Termination: Elev reserves the right to terminate or suspend any user's account and access to the Elev platform if:

  • The user breaches any terms of this agreement.

  • Elev suspects fraudulent, abusive, or illegal activity.

  • Such action is necessary to protect the safety or property of Elev, its users, or third parties.

12.2 Effects of Termination: Upon termination:

  • All rights granted to you under these terms will immediately cease.

  • You must immediately stop using the Elev platform.

  • Elev retains the right to keep any content, feedback, or data you've submitted or generated during your use of the platform for record-keeping and legal purposes.

12.3 HostGuarantee Impact: Termination of your account may impact your rights and protections under the HostGuarantee.

13. Content & Intellectual Property

13.1 User-generated Content: Users of the Elev platform may submit content, including text, photos, and other media. By submitting content, you grant Elev a non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, transferable, and sublicensable right to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, translate, distribute, and display that content globally in any media.

13.2 Elev's Intellectual Property: All software, design, text, images, graphics, user interface, and any other copyrighted material used on and incorporated into the Elev platform are the exclusive property of Elev Homes Inc. or its licensors.

13.3 Respect for Others' Rights: Users must respect the intellectual property rights of others.

13.4 Feedback and Suggestions: Any feedback, comments, or suggestions you provide regarding Elev or its services is entirely voluntary.

14. Updates & Modifications to Terms of Service

14.1 Periodic Revisions: Elev Homes Inc. may revise and update these Terms of Service periodically.

14.2 Notification: If we make material changes to these Terms, we will notify you through the Elev platform or other direct communication methods.

14.3 HostGuarantee Updates: Updates or changes made to our HostGuarantee are considered integral parts of these Terms of Service.

15. General Provisions

15.1 Governing Law and Jurisdiction: These Terms of Service and any disputes arising out of or related to them or the Elev platform will be governed by the laws of the jurisdiction in which Elev Homes Inc. is registered.

15.2 Severability: If any provision of these Terms is deemed unlawful, void, or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision will be deemed severable from these Terms.

15.3 No Waiver: No waiver of any provision of these Terms by Elev shall be deemed a further or continuing waiver of such provision or any other provision.

15.4 Assignment: Users may not assign or transfer their rights or obligations under these Terms without the prior written consent of Elev.

15.5 Entire Agreement: These Terms, together with the Privacy Policy, HostGuarantee, and any other legal notices or additional terms and conditions or policies published by Elev on the platform, shall constitute the entire agreement between you and Elev concerning the platform.

16. Contact Information

16.1 General Inquiries: For general inquiries, feedback, or support, users can contact Elev via the 'Contact Us' page on our website or through the contact features within the Elev platform.

16.2 Address: Elev Homes Inc., Room 6-04, Students' Union Building, University of Alberta, 8900 - 114 Street NW Edmonton, AB T6G 2J7.

16.3 Email: For direct communication, users can reach out to [Your Email Address].

16.4 Customer Support: For technical issues or platform-related assistance, please reach out to our dedicated support team at support@elevhomes.

1. Introduction

Last updated: October 26, 2023

Welcome to Elev Homes Inc. ("Elev")!

Elev is an online platform designed to bring together hosts and tenants, facilitating secure and efficient rental experiences. Our primary objective is to simplify the accommodation search for students while providing hosts with a trusted platform to list their properties. Through Elev, users can effortlessly browse listings, communicate with potential hosts or tenants, and finalize rental agreements.

By accessing or using our platform, be it through our website, mobile application, or other digital means, you agree to abide by these Terms of Service. These terms govern your use of the platform and outline your rights, obligations, and the protections afforded to you as a user.

For our valued hosts, we offer a specific set of protections and commitments detailed in our HostGuarantee. We strongly recommend that hosts familiarize themselves with the HostGuarantee, which is an integral component of these Terms of Service.

2. Definitions

For clarity and ease of reference, the following terms are defined as:

  • User: Any individual or entity that accesses or uses the Elev platform, including both hosts and tenants.

  • Host: An individual or entity that lists accommodation(s) on the Elev platform for rental purposes.

  • Tenant: An individual, typically a student, who searches for, inquires about, or rents accommodation(s) listed on the Elev platform.

  • Elev Platform: The collective digital interfaces, including the website and mobile applications, operated by Elev Homes Inc., where users can list, search for, and book accommodations.

  • Lease: A legally binding agreement between a host and tenant regarding the rental of an accommodation. The terms, duration, and other specifics of the lease are agreed upon by both parties and facilitated by the Elev platform.

  • Messaging Services: The communication tools provided by the Elev platform, allowing hosts and tenants to send and receive messages, notifications, alerts, and reminders related to their listings, bookings, and other relevant interactions.

  • HostGuarantee: A separate document detailing the specific protections, commitments, and terms provided by Elev to its hosts.

  • Authorized User: An individual who has been granted permission by the primary account holder to access or use the Elev platform.

Other terms may be defined within the context of specific sections as we proceed through these Terms of Service.

3. Account Registration & User Verification

3.1 Registration Requirements: To gain full access to Elev services, users must complete the registration process. Registration requires:

  • Personal Information: Accurate details including full name, address, email, phone number, and other pertinent data.

  • Account Confidentiality: Your account is personal. Do not disclose your login credentials or permit unauthorized access.

3.2 Age Restrictions: Elev services are restricted to individuals aged 18 and above. By creating an account, users attest to being at least 18 years old and possessing the legal authority to form binding contracts.

3.3 User Verification: For community security, Elev may undertake user verification:

  • Identity Verification: Users may be required to validate their identity using official documentation or other means deemed appropriate by Elev.

  • Consent: Engaging with the platform implies user consent to any verification procedures and agreement to furnish requisite information or documents.

3.4 Account Security: Maintaining account confidentiality is a user responsibility:

  • Password Protection: Ensure your password is strong and stored securely.

  • Unauthorized Access: Should you suspect any unauthorized access, notify Elev immediately. While Elev incorporates robust security protocols, users must also exercise caution.

4. Host & Tenant Responsibilities

4.1 Host Duties:

  • Accurate Listings: Hosts must present accurate, current listings, encompassing transparent photos, detailed descriptions, and specific house rules or unique conditions.

  • Clear Communication: Efficient, professional communication is paramount. Address tenant queries or concerns promptly.

  • Maintaining Standards: Properties provided should mirror the listing. Ensure cleanliness, safety, and promised amenities.

  • Lease Adherence: Abide by all lease agreement terms, including rental duration, rent amount, and other consensus terms.

4.2 Tenant Duties:

  • Transparent Communication: Prior to finalizing rental agreements, tenants should articulate all queries, concerns, or stipulations.

  • Lease Compliance: Tenants must strictly observe the lease agreement terms, including timely rent payment, agreed-upon stay duration, and host-set house rules.

  • Property Maintenance: Renters are tasked with preserving the property's condition. Report any damages or issues to the host promptly.

4.3 Mutual Respect: Both hosts and tenants should maintain a respectful and professional demeanor, abiding by the agreed-upon terms and ensuring a seamless rental experience.

4.4 Violation Consequences: Failure to uphold these responsibilities can result in penalties, including but not limited to account suspension, additional charges, or legal action.

Note: Alongside these stipulated responsibilities, hosts are additionally bound by the HostGuarantee conditions and promises.

5. Listings & Bookings

5.1 Listing Creation:

  • Complete Information: Hosts are expected to provide comprehensive and accurate descriptions, including amenities, rules, and any specific conditions or limitations.

  • Photographs: Images associated with a listing must be representative of the actual space. Misleading photos can result in penalties or removal of the listing.

  • Pricing and Availability: Hosts should update availability calendars regularly and set a clear and transparent pricing structure, inclusive of any additional fees.

5.2 Booking Process:

  • Search and Match: Tenants can search listings based on criteria such as location, price range, and amenities. Elev's platform will suggest matches fitting the tenant's requirements.

  • Booking Confirmation: Upon selecting a listing, tenants must follow the booking process, which includes agreeing to the lease terms, price, and any other conditions set by the host.

  • Duration: The length of stay should be clearly defined and agreed upon between the tenant and the host.

5.3 Quality Standards: Elev expects all listings to meet a basic standard of cleanliness, safety, and amenity availability. Listings found to be below these standards might be flagged, reviewed, and potentially removed.

6. Payments, Fees, & Financials

6.1 Payment Methods:

  • Platform Payments: All payments related to listings must be processed through the Elev platform to ensure security and adherence to terms.

  • Accepted Modes: Elev accepts various payment methods, including credit cards, bank transfers, and other approved electronic payment methods.

6.2 Payment Schedule:

  • Rent Payments: Tenants are required to make payments based on the agreed-upon schedule, typically monthly. Any deviations must be communicated and approved by the host.

  • Fee Structure: Elev charges a service fee as a percentage of the rent. This fee varies but remains consistent once set for the duration of a lease. Students will see this fee breakdown when sending an application, and hosts will see it when reviewing an application.

6.3 Cancellations and Refunds:

  • Cancellation Policy: Both hosts and tenants must adhere to the agreed-upon cancellation policy. Violations can result in penalties.

  • Refunds: Refunds, if applicable, will be processed based on the terms of the cancellation policy and any other relevant factors.

6.4 Late Fees: Payments made outside of the "Life Happens Protection" window will incur a late fee. The specifics of this fee and its application will be clearly detailed in the rental agreement.

6.5 Elev's Service Fee: The Elev platform deducts a service fee from both hosts and students. This fee is for the operation and maintenance of the platform, user support, and other associated services.

7. Messaging Policy

7.1 Services Overview The Elev Messaging Services, available through both Elev-Tenant and Elev-Host interfaces, allow for communication between hosts and tenants. This encompasses notifications, alerts, confirmations, reminders, and general conversations. These services are facilitated via web-based platforms and respective mobile applications.

7.2 Elev’s Access to Messages For the safety, integrity, and functionality of our platform, Elev retains the right to access and store messages exchanged between hosts and tenants. This is to ensure compliance with our terms of service, deter illegal activities, and prevent any misuse. The content of these messages is held with utmost confidentiality and will not be shared beyond what is legally mandated or essential for Elev to fulfill its operational responsibilities.

7.3 User Commitments By utilizing the Elev Messaging service, you agree to:

  • Adhere to all Elev User Terms of Service, especially the stipulations of this Messaging Policy.

  • Maintain the confidentiality of your account details, passwords, and other login credentials.

  • Monitor all activity conducted through your account in connection with the messaging services.

  • Promptly inform Elev if you identify or suspect any unauthorized or illegal activity, security breaches, or any unauthorized use of login credentials.

  • Use the messaging services for only lawful, authorized, and acceptable purposes, refraining from sending impermissible communications.

7.4 Prohibited Conduct Users are strictly prohibited from:

  • Impersonating others or misrepresenting affiliations.

  • Allowing unauthorized third parties to access the services using their credentials.

  • Sending unsolicited messages, spam, or any harmful files or links.

  • Using the messaging service for any commercial purposes without Elev’s explicit permission.

  • Engaging in activities that infringe upon the rights of Elev, its users, or others, or are illegal, defamatory, or harmful.

8. Elev's Role & Limitations

8.1 Platform Role: Elev Homes Inc. ("Elev") functions as a platform connecting hosts with potential tenants. Elev does not own, create, sell, resell, provide, control, manage, offer, deliver, or supply any listings or accommodations. The hosts are solely responsible for their listings and accommodations. When tenants make a booking, they enter into a contract directly with the host, not Elev. Elev is not a party to, nor does it become involved in, any contractual relationship between the host and tenant, aside from facilitating the platform.

8.2 No Endorsement: Elev does not control or guarantee the existence, quality, safety, suitability, or legality of any listings or accommodations. We don't guarantee the accuracy of listing descriptions, ratings, reviews, or other content. Nor do we vouch for the performance or conduct of any member or third party.

8.3 Verification: While Elev may ask members for a government ID or other details to verify their identities, it's not obligated to do so. We might also screen members against third-party databases or other information sources but aren't bound to this.

8.4 Content Responsibility: Elev holds no responsibility for any listings and accommodations. Any bookings made or accepted are at the member's own risk.

8.5 Limitation of Liability: To the maximum extent permitted by law, Elev won't be liable for damages arising from or linked to the use of the Elev platform, whether they're direct, indirect, consequential, or punitive. This limitation applies regardless of the legal theory underpinning the damages.

8.6 Third-Party Services: Elev's platform may have links to third-party websites or services, not owned or controlled by Elev. Elev doesn't control or assume responsibility for the content, policies, or practices of third-party sites or services.

8.7 Feedback and Reviews: Users may provide feedback and reviews about their experiences with other members. Such feedback must be factual. Malicious or false feedback is prohibited, and Elev reserves the right to remove feedback or reviews that violate these terms without prior notice.

9. Student Protections & Support

9.1 Authenticity Promise:

  • Claim Window: Students can invoke the Authenticity Promise within 14 days of moving in. Exceptions may be made for discrepancies impossible to discover within this period.

  • Severity Levels: Discrepancies are evaluated on a case-by-case basis, allowing Elev maximum flexibility in determining the severity and appropriate remedy.

  • Resolution Timeframe: Elev aims to resolve discrepancies within three weeks of being reported. However, resolution time might extend depending on the complexity of the issue.

  • Host Accountability: Hosts found misrepresenting their listings repeatedly may face consequences ranging from notifications to potential bans. Hosts are required to update their listings at least annually or more frequently based on changes to the property.

  • Remedy Preference: While both rebate and alternative accommodation are viable remedies, the final decision rests with Elev.

9.2 Life Happens Protection:

  • Communication: Students can notify Elev of their inability to pay on time through email, text, or call using the provided contact details.

  • Frequency: Students can benefit from the Life Happens Protection once every semester. While there's no fixed limit, unexplained frequent late payments put students on Elev's watchlist.

  • Duration: A grace period of 7 days beyond the due date is provided. Post this period, a 1% late fee (based on the rent amount) is assessed daily until payment is made.

  • Coverage: Elev typically covers full rent payments. Utility bills might be covered at Elev's discretion but are generally excluded.

  • Consequences of Non-Payment: Continued non-payment results in internal records, affecting the student's future use of Elev. Suspicion of abuse might necessitate documentation or explanations on a case-by-case basis. Extreme cases might lead to platform suspension.

9.3 24/7 Helpline:

  • Accessibility: Students can access the helpline via the support page, preferring text, though calls are also acceptable.

  • Response Time: Elev aims to respond within 24 hours, considering the compact team structure.

  • Escalation Protocol: Complex issues that cannot be immediately resolved are either escalated to senior management or scheduled for an in-depth resolution.

  • Feedback: At the end of every interaction, students are encouraged to provide feedback to continually enhance the helpline service.

10. Privacy & Data Protection

10.1 Data Collection: When you use the Elev platform, we collect certain personal information to provide and improve our services. This includes your name, email address, contact number, payment details, and any other information you provide during registration or use of our services.

10.2 Use of Information: We use the collected information to facilitate bookings, process payments, communicate with you about our services, and improve the Elev platform's user experience. We may also use this data for marketing purposes, but only with your explicit consent.

10.3 Data Protection: Elev is committed to protecting your personal data. We employ advanced security measures to protect your information from unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction.

10.4 Messaging: We have access to and may retain messages exchanged on our messaging platform. The content of these messages is not shared beyond what is legally required and what's necessary for Elev to fulfill its operational duties.

10.5 Third-Party Access: Elev will never sell, trade, or rent your personal information to third parties. However, we may share your data with third-party service providers necessary for our platform's operation.

10.6 Cookies: Our platform uses cookies to enhance your user experience. You can choose to disable cookies, but this may affect your user experience on the Elev platform.

10.7 Data Rights: You have the right to access, correct, or delete your personal data held by Elev at any time.

10.8 Policy Updates: Elev may update this privacy policy from time to time. Any changes will be posted on this page, and if significant changes are made, we will provide more prominent notice.

11. Dispute Resolution

11.1 Mutual Resolution: Both hosts and tenants are encouraged to contact each other directly to resolve any disputes amicably.

11.2 Mediation: If direct communication doesn't resolve the dispute, both parties can agree to engage in mediation.

11.3 Arbitration: If mediation is unsuccessful or if both parties agree to bypass it, they can choose to settle the dispute through binding arbitration.

11.4 Legal Proceedings: Parties retain the right to pursue legal action if neither mediation nor arbitration resolves the dispute.

11.5 Governing Law: Any disputes arising out of or relating to the use of the Elev platform or these terms will be governed by the laws of the jurisdiction where Elev is headquartered.

11.6 Disputes with Elev: Should you have a dispute with Elev directly, we ask that you contact us first to resolve the issue informally.

11.7 HostGuarantee Reference: For disputes related specifically to host payments, guarantees, or any other provisions explicitly detailed in the HostGuarantee, users are advised to refer to the conditions and resolution mechanisms outlined in the HostGuarantee document.

12. Termination & Consequences

12.1 Grounds for Termination: Elev reserves the right to terminate or suspend any user's account and access to the Elev platform if:

  • The user breaches any terms of this agreement.

  • Elev suspects fraudulent, abusive, or illegal activity.

  • Such action is necessary to protect the safety or property of Elev, its users, or third parties.

12.2 Effects of Termination: Upon termination:

  • All rights granted to you under these terms will immediately cease.

  • You must immediately stop using the Elev platform.

  • Elev retains the right to keep any content, feedback, or data you've submitted or generated during your use of the platform for record-keeping and legal purposes.

12.3 HostGuarantee Impact: Termination of your account may impact your rights and protections under the HostGuarantee.

13. Content & Intellectual Property

13.1 User-generated Content: Users of the Elev platform may submit content, including text, photos, and other media. By submitting content, you grant Elev a non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, transferable, and sublicensable right to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, translate, distribute, and display that content globally in any media.

13.2 Elev's Intellectual Property: All software, design, text, images, graphics, user interface, and any other copyrighted material used on and incorporated into the Elev platform are the exclusive property of Elev Homes Inc. or its licensors.

13.3 Respect for Others' Rights: Users must respect the intellectual property rights of others.

13.4 Feedback and Suggestions: Any feedback, comments, or suggestions you provide regarding Elev or its services is entirely voluntary.

14. Updates & Modifications to Terms of Service

14.1 Periodic Revisions: Elev Homes Inc. may revise and update these Terms of Service periodically.

14.2 Notification: If we make material changes to these Terms, we will notify you through the Elev platform or other direct communication methods.

14.3 HostGuarantee Updates: Updates or changes made to our HostGuarantee are considered integral parts of these Terms of Service.

15. General Provisions

15.1 Governing Law and Jurisdiction: These Terms of Service and any disputes arising out of or related to them or the Elev platform will be governed by the laws of the jurisdiction in which Elev Homes Inc. is registered.

15.2 Severability: If any provision of these Terms is deemed unlawful, void, or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision will be deemed severable from these Terms.

15.3 No Waiver: No waiver of any provision of these Terms by Elev shall be deemed a further or continuing waiver of such provision or any other provision.

15.4 Assignment: Users may not assign or transfer their rights or obligations under these Terms without the prior written consent of Elev.

15.5 Entire Agreement: These Terms, together with the Privacy Policy, HostGuarantee, and any other legal notices or additional terms and conditions or policies published by Elev on the platform, shall constitute the entire agreement between you and Elev concerning the platform.

16. Contact Information

16.1 General Inquiries: For general inquiries, feedback, or support, users can contact Elev via the 'Contact Us' page on our website or through the contact features within the Elev platform.

16.2 Address: Elev Homes Inc., Room 6-04, Students' Union Building, University of Alberta, 8900 - 114 Street NW Edmonton, AB T6G 2J7.

16.3 Email: For direct communication, users can reach out to [Your Email Address].

16.4 Customer Support: For technical issues or platform-related assistance, please reach out to our dedicated support team at support@elevhomes.

1. Introduction

Last updated: October 26, 2023

Welcome to Elev Homes Inc. ("Elev")!

Elev is an online platform designed to bring together hosts and tenants, facilitating secure and efficient rental experiences. Our primary objective is to simplify the accommodation search for students while providing hosts with a trusted platform to list their properties. Through Elev, users can effortlessly browse listings, communicate with potential hosts or tenants, and finalize rental agreements.

By accessing or using our platform, be it through our website, mobile application, or other digital means, you agree to abide by these Terms of Service. These terms govern your use of the platform and outline your rights, obligations, and the protections afforded to you as a user.

For our valued hosts, we offer a specific set of protections and commitments detailed in our HostGuarantee. We strongly recommend that hosts familiarize themselves with the HostGuarantee, which is an integral component of these Terms of Service.

2. Definitions

For clarity and ease of reference, the following terms are defined as:

  • User: Any individual or entity that accesses or uses the Elev platform, including both hosts and tenants.

  • Host: An individual or entity that lists accommodation(s) on the Elev platform for rental purposes.

  • Tenant: An individual, typically a student, who searches for, inquires about, or rents accommodation(s) listed on the Elev platform.

  • Elev Platform: The collective digital interfaces, including the website and mobile applications, operated by Elev Homes Inc., where users can list, search for, and book accommodations.

  • Lease: A legally binding agreement between a host and tenant regarding the rental of an accommodation. The terms, duration, and other specifics of the lease are agreed upon by both parties and facilitated by the Elev platform.

  • Messaging Services: The communication tools provided by the Elev platform, allowing hosts and tenants to send and receive messages, notifications, alerts, and reminders related to their listings, bookings, and other relevant interactions.

  • HostGuarantee: A separate document detailing the specific protections, commitments, and terms provided by Elev to its hosts.

  • Authorized User: An individual who has been granted permission by the primary account holder to access or use the Elev platform.

Other terms may be defined within the context of specific sections as we proceed through these Terms of Service.

3. Account Registration & User Verification

3.1 Registration Requirements: To gain full access to Elev services, users must complete the registration process. Registration requires:

  • Personal Information: Accurate details including full name, address, email, phone number, and other pertinent data.

  • Account Confidentiality: Your account is personal. Do not disclose your login credentials or permit unauthorized access.

3.2 Age Restrictions: Elev services are restricted to individuals aged 18 and above. By creating an account, users attest to being at least 18 years old and possessing the legal authority to form binding contracts.

3.3 User Verification: For community security, Elev may undertake user verification:

  • Identity Verification: Users may be required to validate their identity using official documentation or other means deemed appropriate by Elev.

  • Consent: Engaging with the platform implies user consent to any verification procedures and agreement to furnish requisite information or documents.

3.4 Account Security: Maintaining account confidentiality is a user responsibility:

  • Password Protection: Ensure your password is strong and stored securely.

  • Unauthorized Access: Should you suspect any unauthorized access, notify Elev immediately. While Elev incorporates robust security protocols, users must also exercise caution.

4. Host & Tenant Responsibilities

4.1 Host Duties:

  • Accurate Listings: Hosts must present accurate, current listings, encompassing transparent photos, detailed descriptions, and specific house rules or unique conditions.

  • Clear Communication: Efficient, professional communication is paramount. Address tenant queries or concerns promptly.

  • Maintaining Standards: Properties provided should mirror the listing. Ensure cleanliness, safety, and promised amenities.

  • Lease Adherence: Abide by all lease agreement terms, including rental duration, rent amount, and other consensus terms.

4.2 Tenant Duties:

  • Transparent Communication: Prior to finalizing rental agreements, tenants should articulate all queries, concerns, or stipulations.

  • Lease Compliance: Tenants must strictly observe the lease agreement terms, including timely rent payment, agreed-upon stay duration, and host-set house rules.

  • Property Maintenance: Renters are tasked with preserving the property's condition. Report any damages or issues to the host promptly.

4.3 Mutual Respect: Both hosts and tenants should maintain a respectful and professional demeanor, abiding by the agreed-upon terms and ensuring a seamless rental experience.

4.4 Violation Consequences: Failure to uphold these responsibilities can result in penalties, including but not limited to account suspension, additional charges, or legal action.

Note: Alongside these stipulated responsibilities, hosts are additionally bound by the HostGuarantee conditions and promises.

5. Listings & Bookings

5.1 Listing Creation:

  • Complete Information: Hosts are expected to provide comprehensive and accurate descriptions, including amenities, rules, and any specific conditions or limitations.

  • Photographs: Images associated with a listing must be representative of the actual space. Misleading photos can result in penalties or removal of the listing.

  • Pricing and Availability: Hosts should update availability calendars regularly and set a clear and transparent pricing structure, inclusive of any additional fees.

5.2 Booking Process:

  • Search and Match: Tenants can search listings based on criteria such as location, price range, and amenities. Elev's platform will suggest matches fitting the tenant's requirements.

  • Booking Confirmation: Upon selecting a listing, tenants must follow the booking process, which includes agreeing to the lease terms, price, and any other conditions set by the host.

  • Duration: The length of stay should be clearly defined and agreed upon between the tenant and the host.

5.3 Quality Standards: Elev expects all listings to meet a basic standard of cleanliness, safety, and amenity availability. Listings found to be below these standards might be flagged, reviewed, and potentially removed.

6. Payments, Fees, & Financials

6.1 Payment Methods:

  • Platform Payments: All payments related to listings must be processed through the Elev platform to ensure security and adherence to terms.

  • Accepted Modes: Elev accepts various payment methods, including credit cards, bank transfers, and other approved electronic payment methods.

6.2 Payment Schedule:

  • Rent Payments: Tenants are required to make payments based on the agreed-upon schedule, typically monthly. Any deviations must be communicated and approved by the host.

  • Fee Structure: Elev charges a service fee as a percentage of the rent. This fee varies but remains consistent once set for the duration of a lease. Students will see this fee breakdown when sending an application, and hosts will see it when reviewing an application.

6.3 Cancellations and Refunds:

  • Cancellation Policy: Both hosts and tenants must adhere to the agreed-upon cancellation policy. Violations can result in penalties.

  • Refunds: Refunds, if applicable, will be processed based on the terms of the cancellation policy and any other relevant factors.

6.4 Late Fees: Payments made outside of the "Life Happens Protection" window will incur a late fee. The specifics of this fee and its application will be clearly detailed in the rental agreement.

6.5 Elev's Service Fee: The Elev platform deducts a service fee from both hosts and students. This fee is for the operation and maintenance of the platform, user support, and other associated services.

7. Messaging Policy

7.1 Services Overview The Elev Messaging Services, available through both Elev-Tenant and Elev-Host interfaces, allow for communication between hosts and tenants. This encompasses notifications, alerts, confirmations, reminders, and general conversations. These services are facilitated via web-based platforms and respective mobile applications.

7.2 Elev’s Access to Messages For the safety, integrity, and functionality of our platform, Elev retains the right to access and store messages exchanged between hosts and tenants. This is to ensure compliance with our terms of service, deter illegal activities, and prevent any misuse. The content of these messages is held with utmost confidentiality and will not be shared beyond what is legally mandated or essential for Elev to fulfill its operational responsibilities.

7.3 User Commitments By utilizing the Elev Messaging service, you agree to:

  • Adhere to all Elev User Terms of Service, especially the stipulations of this Messaging Policy.

  • Maintain the confidentiality of your account details, passwords, and other login credentials.

  • Monitor all activity conducted through your account in connection with the messaging services.

  • Promptly inform Elev if you identify or suspect any unauthorized or illegal activity, security breaches, or any unauthorized use of login credentials.

  • Use the messaging services for only lawful, authorized, and acceptable purposes, refraining from sending impermissible communications.

7.4 Prohibited Conduct Users are strictly prohibited from:

  • Impersonating others or misrepresenting affiliations.

  • Allowing unauthorized third parties to access the services using their credentials.

  • Sending unsolicited messages, spam, or any harmful files or links.

  • Using the messaging service for any commercial purposes without Elev’s explicit permission.

  • Engaging in activities that infringe upon the rights of Elev, its users, or others, or are illegal, defamatory, or harmful.

8. Elev's Role & Limitations

8.1 Platform Role: Elev Homes Inc. ("Elev") functions as a platform connecting hosts with potential tenants. Elev does not own, create, sell, resell, provide, control, manage, offer, deliver, or supply any listings or accommodations. The hosts are solely responsible for their listings and accommodations. When tenants make a booking, they enter into a contract directly with the host, not Elev. Elev is not a party to, nor does it become involved in, any contractual relationship between the host and tenant, aside from facilitating the platform.

8.2 No Endorsement: Elev does not control or guarantee the existence, quality, safety, suitability, or legality of any listings or accommodations. We don't guarantee the accuracy of listing descriptions, ratings, reviews, or other content. Nor do we vouch for the performance or conduct of any member or third party.

8.3 Verification: While Elev may ask members for a government ID or other details to verify their identities, it's not obligated to do so. We might also screen members against third-party databases or other information sources but aren't bound to this.

8.4 Content Responsibility: Elev holds no responsibility for any listings and accommodations. Any bookings made or accepted are at the member's own risk.

8.5 Limitation of Liability: To the maximum extent permitted by law, Elev won't be liable for damages arising from or linked to the use of the Elev platform, whether they're direct, indirect, consequential, or punitive. This limitation applies regardless of the legal theory underpinning the damages.

8.6 Third-Party Services: Elev's platform may have links to third-party websites or services, not owned or controlled by Elev. Elev doesn't control or assume responsibility for the content, policies, or practices of third-party sites or services.

8.7 Feedback and Reviews: Users may provide feedback and reviews about their experiences with other members. Such feedback must be factual. Malicious or false feedback is prohibited, and Elev reserves the right to remove feedback or reviews that violate these terms without prior notice.

9. Student Protections & Support

9.1 Authenticity Promise:

  • Claim Window: Students can invoke the Authenticity Promise within 14 days of moving in. Exceptions may be made for discrepancies impossible to discover within this period.

  • Severity Levels: Discrepancies are evaluated on a case-by-case basis, allowing Elev maximum flexibility in determining the severity and appropriate remedy.

  • Resolution Timeframe: Elev aims to resolve discrepancies within three weeks of being reported. However, resolution time might extend depending on the complexity of the issue.

  • Host Accountability: Hosts found misrepresenting their listings repeatedly may face consequences ranging from notifications to potential bans. Hosts are required to update their listings at least annually or more frequently based on changes to the property.

  • Remedy Preference: While both rebate and alternative accommodation are viable remedies, the final decision rests with Elev.

9.2 Life Happens Protection:

  • Communication: Students can notify Elev of their inability to pay on time through email, text, or call using the provided contact details.

  • Frequency: Students can benefit from the Life Happens Protection once every semester. While there's no fixed limit, unexplained frequent late payments put students on Elev's watchlist.

  • Duration: A grace period of 7 days beyond the due date is provided. Post this period, a 1% late fee (based on the rent amount) is assessed daily until payment is made.

  • Coverage: Elev typically covers full rent payments. Utility bills might be covered at Elev's discretion but are generally excluded.

  • Consequences of Non-Payment: Continued non-payment results in internal records, affecting the student's future use of Elev. Suspicion of abuse might necessitate documentation or explanations on a case-by-case basis. Extreme cases might lead to platform suspension.

9.3 24/7 Helpline:

  • Accessibility: Students can access the helpline via the support page, preferring text, though calls are also acceptable.

  • Response Time: Elev aims to respond within 24 hours, considering the compact team structure.

  • Escalation Protocol: Complex issues that cannot be immediately resolved are either escalated to senior management or scheduled for an in-depth resolution.

  • Feedback: At the end of every interaction, students are encouraged to provide feedback to continually enhance the helpline service.

10. Privacy & Data Protection

10.1 Data Collection: When you use the Elev platform, we collect certain personal information to provide and improve our services. This includes your name, email address, contact number, payment details, and any other information you provide during registration or use of our services.

10.2 Use of Information: We use the collected information to facilitate bookings, process payments, communicate with you about our services, and improve the Elev platform's user experience. We may also use this data for marketing purposes, but only with your explicit consent.

10.3 Data Protection: Elev is committed to protecting your personal data. We employ advanced security measures to protect your information from unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction.

10.4 Messaging: We have access to and may retain messages exchanged on our messaging platform. The content of these messages is not shared beyond what is legally required and what's necessary for Elev to fulfill its operational duties.

10.5 Third-Party Access: Elev will never sell, trade, or rent your personal information to third parties. However, we may share your data with third-party service providers necessary for our platform's operation.

10.6 Cookies: Our platform uses cookies to enhance your user experience. You can choose to disable cookies, but this may affect your user experience on the Elev platform.

10.7 Data Rights: You have the right to access, correct, or delete your personal data held by Elev at any time.

10.8 Policy Updates: Elev may update this privacy policy from time to time. Any changes will be posted on this page, and if significant changes are made, we will provide more prominent notice.

11. Dispute Resolution

11.1 Mutual Resolution: Both hosts and tenants are encouraged to contact each other directly to resolve any disputes amicably.

11.2 Mediation: If direct communication doesn't resolve the dispute, both parties can agree to engage in mediation.

11.3 Arbitration: If mediation is unsuccessful or if both parties agree to bypass it, they can choose to settle the dispute through binding arbitration.

11.4 Legal Proceedings: Parties retain the right to pursue legal action if neither mediation nor arbitration resolves the dispute.

11.5 Governing Law: Any disputes arising out of or relating to the use of the Elev platform or these terms will be governed by the laws of the jurisdiction where Elev is headquartered.

11.6 Disputes with Elev: Should you have a dispute with Elev directly, we ask that you contact us first to resolve the issue informally.

11.7 HostGuarantee Reference: For disputes related specifically to host payments, guarantees, or any other provisions explicitly detailed in the HostGuarantee, users are advised to refer to the conditions and resolution mechanisms outlined in the HostGuarantee document.

12. Termination & Consequences

12.1 Grounds for Termination: Elev reserves the right to terminate or suspend any user's account and access to the Elev platform if:

  • The user breaches any terms of this agreement.

  • Elev suspects fraudulent, abusive, or illegal activity.

  • Such action is necessary to protect the safety or property of Elev, its users, or third parties.

12.2 Effects of Termination: Upon termination:

  • All rights granted to you under these terms will immediately cease.

  • You must immediately stop using the Elev platform.

  • Elev retains the right to keep any content, feedback, or data you've submitted or generated during your use of the platform for record-keeping and legal purposes.

12.3 HostGuarantee Impact: Termination of your account may impact your rights and protections under the HostGuarantee.

13. Content & Intellectual Property

13.1 User-generated Content: Users of the Elev platform may submit content, including text, photos, and other media. By submitting content, you grant Elev a non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, transferable, and sublicensable right to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, translate, distribute, and display that content globally in any media.

13.2 Elev's Intellectual Property: All software, design, text, images, graphics, user interface, and any other copyrighted material used on and incorporated into the Elev platform are the exclusive property of Elev Homes Inc. or its licensors.

13.3 Respect for Others' Rights: Users must respect the intellectual property rights of others.

13.4 Feedback and Suggestions: Any feedback, comments, or suggestions you provide regarding Elev or its services is entirely voluntary.

14. Updates & Modifications to Terms of Service

14.1 Periodic Revisions: Elev Homes Inc. may revise and update these Terms of Service periodically.

14.2 Notification: If we make material changes to these Terms, we will notify you through the Elev platform or other direct communication methods.

14.3 HostGuarantee Updates: Updates or changes made to our HostGuarantee are considered integral parts of these Terms of Service.

15. General Provisions

15.1 Governing Law and Jurisdiction: These Terms of Service and any disputes arising out of or related to them or the Elev platform will be governed by the laws of the jurisdiction in which Elev Homes Inc. is registered.

15.2 Severability: If any provision of these Terms is deemed unlawful, void, or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision will be deemed severable from these Terms.

15.3 No Waiver: No waiver of any provision of these Terms by Elev shall be deemed a further or continuing waiver of such provision or any other provision.

15.4 Assignment: Users may not assign or transfer their rights or obligations under these Terms without the prior written consent of Elev.

15.5 Entire Agreement: These Terms, together with the Privacy Policy, HostGuarantee, and any other legal notices or additional terms and conditions or policies published by Elev on the platform, shall constitute the entire agreement between you and Elev concerning the platform.

16. Contact Information

16.1 General Inquiries: For general inquiries, feedback, or support, users can contact Elev via the 'Contact Us' page on our website or through the contact features within the Elev platform.

16.2 Address: Elev Homes Inc., Room 6-04, Students' Union Building, University of Alberta, 8900 - 114 Street NW Edmonton, AB T6G 2J7.

16.3 Email: For direct communication, users can reach out to [Your Email Address].

16.4 Customer Support: For technical issues or platform-related assistance, please reach out to our dedicated support team at support@elevhomes.